Murray’s Well

Murray’s Well

Murray’s Well

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In the mouth of the Gully you will find a concrete well head. A careful inspection – very careful – the well contains some very nasty looking water and there is no cover over the opening – will reveal the words ‘RE 135 COMPANY’ around the rim. This can just be discerned on the left of the well rim in the above picture.

This well was dug in late July 1915, and a record of the work undertaken can be found in Joseph’s Murray’s book, ‘Gallipoli as I saw it ‘. The Gully was one of the few places where fresh water could be obtained. Other wells were sunk but this was one of the most productive.


As the photo shows, there is no cover of any sort over the well head, so real care needs to be taken if you want to look inside!

The parts of old lorry tyres have lain around the well for some years. They may be rain water catchers for animals or make-shift warnings of the presence of the well and the ten foot drop into it.  Unfortunately, as the picture shows, they are sometimes joined by less functional bits of rubbish.  If you intend to peer inside the well be warned that you may startle – and equally be startled by –  the resident frogs!

From the position of the above picture, a glance into the undergrowth on your left will reveal a pill box. This is post-World War 1, but it serves as a reminder of the strategic importance of this place.

If you turn right and cross the old stream bed it is possible with care to scramble up onto the headland. There are all kinds of traces of dugouts and workings here.  

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