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The village of Alcitepe is not in Gully Ravine, but it stands near its head and throughout the 1915 conflict the gradual advance of the allies threatened this small rural community, then the Greek village of Krithia, and indeed the evacuated area was virtually levelled by British shelling. It lies a short distance to the west of Achi Baba, the hill which was the allies’ second day objective.

After the war it was repopulated and today it is an attractive stopping point for visitors which nevertheless retains its local and rural character.

Local man Salim Mutlu has established an excellent private museum of battle finds, a veritable ‘iron harvest’, and a walk through the gully really ought to include this place.  ///diviner.huddled.slapdash

If you have walked through the gully to Alcitepe rather than left a car there, you will need either to call a taxi (ask a local for help) or wait for a dolmus for your onward journey. These local buses are a bit unpredictable however, at least if you can’t read Turkish. When I took one from outside the museum a few years back, it ended up touring the Anzac area before going back to Eceabat! If you are happy to go with the flow and are not in a hurry, it’s a cheap way of getting around.  The image below shows the museum entrance with walking pals Lynn and Simon.

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